Jacques Poujade, Managing Partner, LendPlus


Jacques Poujade

Jacques Poujade, Managing Partner at LendPlus, recently took time out of his day to talk to us a little bit about his career. Not only is he very familiar with financial and business topics, but he has also really focused on cryptocurrency. His unique insight makes it apparent that he is a valuable asset for LendPlus.

Tell Us a Little Bit About Your Company, LendPlus

LendPlus is an alternative mortgage provider helping just about every one achieve their dream of homeownership. It can be very difficult for some people to get approved by banks and traditional mortgage providers, so we offer unique solutions that in many ways are preferred by some.

Your Website Mentions You Accept Crypto as a Payment Option, Why Did You Decide to Do This?

A lot of people are really starting to warm up to cryptocurrency, and it really makes no sense not to offer it in 2019. It shows that we are staying ahead of the times instead of being stuck in the past. So many different people out there still do not know much about crypto at all, and it can be intimidating from the outside looking in.

It is also something that banks are traditionally not going to touch. Since we do compete with banks in some ways, it makes sense for us to be a little bit different when we provide our unique service.

What Type of Crypto Do You Accept?

Right now, we only accept Bitcoin and Litecoin. We are working on the possibility of accepting more options in the future, but these are the two that we are most comfortable with at this point. With that being said, we are always listening to customer feedback, and changes will be made if there is enough people wanting it.

What Benefits Do Users Have By Paying their Mortgage with Crypto?

Many people enjoy the ease and security of making such large payments (like a mortgage payment) through crypto. There is also the thinking that some people are actually paid for their work in crypto, so paying bills might be easier for them.

Do You See Crypto Becoming a More Common Payment Option?

In time, it definitely has a chance to be much more common. There was a wave last year where everyone was really talking about crypto in general. That has died down a little bit, but it is still very popular. It might take a little bit more time than we initially imagined but changes are on the horizon.

Now, for a few fun questions. What Do You Do in Your Spare Time?

I volunteer at Micah’s Way quite a bit here in California. It takes up a lot of my free time, but it is enjoyable to have the opportunity to give back to others.

If You Weren’t at LendPlus, Where Do You See Yourself?

Honestly, since I have a bit of a background in finance and business, it would not surprise me if I was dealing with crypto a bit more. I am very interested in seeing how things develop with the different options that are out there right now.

A more traditional answer would be working some type of job in finance, or maybe even real estate. I’ve always had an interest in those two fields so it would be pretty natural for me.

Lastly, How Can Users Connect with You?

To connect with me, people can check out my website at jacquespoujade.com, my Medium account, my Facebook, or my Twitter. I’m not really all that particular to posting on one over the other, but the best catch all option is probably my website.