The Best Blockchain Conferences to Attend in 2018

Looking for a way to spend that leftover budget? Attend a conference!

blockchain conference
Image via: North American Blockchain Conference.

The 2017 train is pulling into the station, and you know what that means: if you want the expense on this year’s tax returns, you need to act fast. Here’s one idea if there’s extra cash burning a hole in your books: attend a blockhain conference.

Crypto events can be found all over the globe, and there are literally hundreds (if not thousands) that are probably worth your time. And with Bitcoin’s price where it is, new events are probably being planned and scheduled as you read this. But here are a few cool blockchain events all over the globe that you can definitely attend in 2018.

(This list is focused mostly on the first half of the year, since few details about later conferences have been revealed yet).

Blockchain Cruise Asia

When: January 15-19
Where: Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand
Why: It’s a cruise. Need we say more? OK, fine. Private beaches. Sunset viewing parties. John McAfee. There’s no way this cruise will be boring. As of this writing, there are tickets available, but click fast if you want in, as they looked very limited.

North American Bitcoin Conference

When: January 18-19
Where: Miami (USA)
Why: This is one of the longest-running conferences in the blockchain space, so it’s huge and it features a lot of big names. And it’s not just about Bitcoin: Ethereum, ICOs, and basically anything and everything blockchain is on the table. It’ll be a great place to learn and an even better place to network.

Looking for a blockchain conference in a fun city? Why not London!

London Blockchain Week

When: January 19-26
Where: London (UK)
Why: It might not be as balmy as Miami this time of year, but London’s a great town and there’s a full week of blockchain related activities on the schedule, including a hackathon and a bunch of blockchain workshops in addition to the main conference and exhibition. This is another long-running conference and another great networking target.

Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Blockchain Super Conference

When: February 16-18
Where: Dallas (USA)
Why: A pretty badass list of speakers, with people like the founder of Shapeshift, the founder of Wings, and John McAfee (again). Another great networking opportunity, and with a fair amount of media there it would be a great place to get a blockchain startup noticed, too.


When: February 21-22
Where: New Delhi, India
Why: India is a vast emerging market, and if you’re interested in the blockchain scene there, this is the place to be this February. Plus it’s relatively affordable compared to many other blockchain conferences.

DC Blockchain Summit 2018

When: March 6-8
Where: Washington D.C. (USA)
Why: If you’re interested in the intersection of blockchain technology and government, this is the place to be. It’ll be a great opportunity to hear from regulators and experts in blockchain compliance in addition to the entrepreneurs, investors, and blockchain evangelists you can find at any blockchain conference.

Get outside the Silicon Valley bubble with Blockchain Africa in Johannesburg

Blockchain Africa

When: March 8-9
Where: Johannesburg (South Africa)
Why: Blockchain Africa is the place to be if you want to see how blockchain technology is helping shape the developing world, but make no mistake: this conference is a global networking opportunity, with representatives from firms like Consensys and Ripple making presentations too, so it should be especially interesting.

Token Fest

When: March 15-16
Where: San Francisco (USA)
Why: A blockchain event in the heart of Silicon Valley? You know that’s going to be (forgive the pun) off the chain. We’ve written about this one before, and this year’s conference shouldn’t be any different – it’ll be an amazing place to network, and there are some very cool sessions on the schedule too.

Beyond Blocks

When: April 4-5
Where: Tokyo (Japan)
Why: Beyond Blocks looks to be the online and offline platform for Blockchain enthusiasts to network, gather information and share insights with the purpose of moving the industry forward to greater heights. They’re bringing in top industry leaders and community builders in one place for this purpose around Asia and beyond. The team from Beyond Blocks strongly believes that developments on the Blockchain has a bright future with real world economic applications and will one day surpass our expectations.

Blockchain Nation

When: April 25-26
Where: Miami, FL
Why: It’s hosted by the Crypto World Journal, and will feature over 75 speakers. 3,000 attendees are expected, so it’ll be a networking bonanza. And as far as conferences go, it’s relatively affordable at $1,000 per ticket – less if you’ve got a government or student ID. For details, check out our feature on CoinReviews which outlines what’s to be expected.

Consensus 2018

When: May 14-16
Where: New York City (USA)
Why: Another long-running conference, this one put on by respected blockchain news site CoinDesk. With 3,000+ attendees, it’s huge. The agenda and speakers haven’t been announced yet, but with a conference of that size you can expect big names and incredible networking opportunities.

Crypto Valley Conference

When: June 20-22
Where: Zug (Switzerland)
Why: This conference has a particular focus on research and innovation, so expect a good mix of academics and researchers in with the blockchain entrepreneurs. This would also be a great choice if you’ve got a good blockchain idea; there’s a pitch competition with a $30,000 prize.

The Blockchain Expo events in North America and Europe are classics. Image via: Blockchain Expo

Blockchain Expo Europe

When: June 27-28
Where: Amsterdam (the Netherlands)
Why: Europe’s biggest blockchain conference is almost certain to be a can’t miss for anybody with any interest in the scene. Previous speakers have included a great mix of mainstream financial folks and blockchain innovators, and with more than 6,000 attendees, you’ll be able to find basically anyone you might want to network with.

Malta Blockchain Summit 2018

When: November 1-2
Where: InterContinental (Malta)
Why: This conference will be a melting pot for global influencers in technology, civil society, democracy promotion and innovation. Expect riveting discussion about the world-changing potential applications of the blockchain across multiple verticals, including, but not limited to healthcare, entertainment, government, banking, and payment remittance.

Blockchain Expo North America

When: November 28-29
Where: Santa Clara (USA)
Why: This is the macdaddy of them all: 6,000+ attendees, representatives from the biggest financial organizations in the world, and unrivaled networking opportunities. Since it’s nearly a year away, no details about the agenda or speakers have been announced yet, but you can rest assured it will be great.

Didn’t find your perfect event? Don’t worry, these conferences are just the tip of the iceberg, and tons of details about blockchain events new and old will be released as 2018 gets underway.

Think we’re missing a great conference here? Ping us on Twitter and we may add your pick to the list!