Sawyer Winston — Serial Entrepreneur From San Diego


Serial Entrepreneur from San Diego, Sawyer Winston

While the global economy continues to stumble in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, there’s one asset that’s not only holding steady, but climbing in value: Bitcoin. The digital cryptocurrency is actually up 90% this year, and is back trading near its three-year highs.

Other assets like stocks, oil, and gold prices have been all over the map over the course of the past year, but the price of Bitcoin has actually surged in 2020. Sawyer Winston, a serial entrepreneur from San Diego, is keeping a close eye on not only cryptocurrencies, but the state of the market in general.

We caught up with Winston to talk about how he’s weathering the pandemic, what keeps him going as an entrepreneur, and what moves in crypto he’s watching.

Sawyer, what drew you to entrepreneurship?

I’ve always loved to create things, and to fit things together. I’ve always been enamored with the idea of putting together pieces, to make a much larger puzzle, and that drive has fueled me to start many different endeavors.

I was attracted to the world of business from a very young age, probably younger than most. But I’m grateful for that drive and passion, because it led me off the beaten path for sure, and to pursue some pretty different things.

What areas are you involved in?

I’m basically involved in a lot of different things involving business, entrepreneurship, and real estate. I’m from San Diego, and I became involved in many different things in the San Diego community from a young age, regarding both business and other things in the community.

I strive to do real, genuine good for the people I work with, my employees, and the people around us. That’s also another main driving factor in my work.


San Diego, California cityscape at the Gaslamp Quarter.

What are your thoughts on San Diego during the pandemic?

Obviously business owners and entrepreneurs in San Diego are feeling the economic strains, and certain industries have been hit harder than others. But I know that San Diego is resilient, and it’s definitely a startup destination, meaning it’s a hub for innovation and new ideas.

The innovators of San Diego definitely have impressive visions and prioritize social responsibility, so I’m optimistic that they’re going to weather this storm.

PayPal plans a much wider embrace of cryptocurrency.

Are you watching anything in the world of cryptocurrency?

I do like to keep my fingers to the pulse of what’s going on when it comes to markets and assets, because sometimes these moves will inspire me to create something new, or start a new venture. I’m definitely interested in the fact that PayPal is planning to finally embrace cryptocurrency, because I think this is going to make cryptocurrency much more useful in a widespread application.

Read: PayPal details its digital wallet plans for 2021, including crypto, Honey integration and more

What endeavor are you focused on next?

Right now I have my sights set on a real estate project I’m really excited about, and I have a plan that’s designed to help communities suffering economic hardships. I do prefer to operate quietly, but the idea behind this plan is that it’s going to really revamp and energize communities that are struggling, and right now I’m focused on one specific community. Once the idea is successful there, I plan on expanding it.