Ryan Hoggan – Venture Capitalist


Venture Capitalist Ryan HogganBeing successful in venture capital, entrepreneurship, and ecommerce is no small feat, but Ryan Hoggan makes it look easy. Here on Coin Reviews, I look to highlight incredible leaders and powerhouse entrepreneurs, who make some of their biggest moves in silence, because I feel we can learn a ton from these figures.

They also tend to have a lot of insight when it comes to cryptocurrency, because of how intertwined these subjects are. I first learned of Ryan Hoggan years ago, because he’s been on the scene as an executive and entrepreneur for 20 years.

Recently, we caught up, and Hoggan shared his insight into venture capital, his thoughts on cryptocurrency, and why he’s returning to his roots.

Ryan, tell us about your background.

I have almost 20 years of experience in entrepreneurship, and startups and brand building are some of my passions. I love watching an idea grow from conception to a point where it’s a functional business of its own, and it gets to a point where it can be sold.

I’m also experienced in the digital marketing space, affiliate marketing, and e-commerce in general.

So you’ve really touched on it all when it comes to entrepreneurship, digital marketing, and other subjects in these spaces?

Basically. It’s been quite the journey over my career, and I’ve loved learning the ins and outs of these industries. I’ve not only watched ideas and companies grow, but I’ve felt that growth myself as an entrepreneur.

Tell us about your more recent work.

After all of this varied experience, I’m really experiencing a full circle moment. I’ve been drawn back to my roots of venture capital and fundraising, which is what my education actually prepared me for.

It’s funny, after all of the different things I’ve done, coming back to my origins in this way. But I love venture capital for the same reasons why I love these other spaces.

Investing in a startup or a small company that I can see is going to be successful, and watching it really take off, is an incredible thing. I love contributing to that growth process in the ways that I can.

PayPal decided to open its services to cryptocurrencies.

What are you watching in the cryptocurrency space?

I definitely keep my eye on interesting market moves, because these changes can really impact all of the spaces I work in, obviously. And with cryptocurrency, we have this kind of unpredictable but really exciting element.

Just recently I was watching as Bitcoin prices made a huge jump because PayPal decided to open its services to cryptocurrencies. Seemingly small decisions like this, for example, a private company deciding to open the doors to cryptocurrency, have the potential to make major market shifts.

The next biggest tech company in the world might actually be built on blockchain technology.

What are your predictions for cryptocurrency over the next five years?

I definitely think we’re going to see this trend continue, where more mainstream companies are either allowing cryptocurrency or operating on blockchain technology. One major cryptocurrency chief just predicted that the next biggest tech company in the world might actually be built on blockchain technology.

I think that the world has been a bit slow to warm up to cryptocurrency and blockchain technology in the mainstream, but once we’re over that hump, we’re going to see it everywhere.

If you want to connect with Ryan Hoggan, you can follow him on social media or you can visit his website:

Ryan Hoggan on FacebookRyan Hoggan on Twitter