Blockchain Nation 2018 – A Cool Miami Crypto Conference


Looking for a way to dive deeper into the blockchain industry this spring? There are plenty of cool blockchain conferences coming up, but here’s one you may not have heard of (and can still buy tickets for): Blockchain Nation.

Here are the basics: Blockchain Nation is a crypto conference that’s being held in Miami, Florida on April 25 and 26. It’s hosted by the Crypto World Journal, and will feature over 75 speakers. 3,000 attendees are expected, so it’ll be a networking bonanza. And as far as conferences go, it’s relatively affordable at $1,000 per ticket – less if you’ve got a government or student ID.

The devil’s in the details, of course, and the details are where Blockchain Nation really shines. It’s packed full of interesting speakers – and not the same ones you’ll see at every other blockchain conference this year.

Case in point: one of the speakers is Frank Abagnale. That name probably won’t ring a bell in crypto circles, but Frank is most famous for being the real-life con man who inspired the film Catch Me If You Can. But in the decades since his criminal days, he’s worked extensively with the FBI and become a world-renowned expert on forgery, embezzlement, identity theft, cyber crime, and document security.

There’s no doubt he’ll have some relevant insights for the world of cryptocurrency. Plus actor Tom Hanks has called Abagnale’s talk “the best one-man show you’ll ever see,” so it’ll probably be entertaining as well as enlightening.

The rest of the speaker lineup is just as interesting and diverse. For example, at Blockchain Nation you’ll see:

  • Investor Jim Rogers (who co-founded the Quantum Fund, famed for “breaking” the Bank of England, forcing it to devalue the pound in the 1990s)
  • analyst Ronny Moas (whose Standpoint Research has been a top-ranking stock picker year after year and who has set a $50,000 2027 price target for Bitcoin)
  • Mindfit CTO Sally Eaves (a global expert on disruptive technology)
  • Estonian government official Kaspar Korjus (who’s the managing director of Estonia’s innovative and crypto-friendly e-residency program)

That’s just the tip of the iceberg, of course. You can see a much bigger speaker list here, but the point is this: you’ll get insights into the blockchain industry from many angles.


We all know a conference is about much more than just the speakers. It’s also about the networking. With 3,000 attendees expected, covering every corner of the blockchain industry from tech development to regulation and governance, the contacts you’re looking to make are almost certain to be there.

And perhaps just as important: they’re almost certain to be in a good mood. Miami is one of the most famously (or perhaps infamously) fun cities in the world, and the weather in April averages in the mid-70s – warm enough for everyone to feel great, but cool enough that folks won’t be overheating and fighting for seats under the air conditioners. It’s not likely to be too humid, either: Miami averages just 67% humidity in April, with levels typically dropping into the 50s by the afternoon.

That means that after a day of valuable networking and interesting speakers, you’ll be able to enjoy a night out on the town with your new contacts and enjoy some of Miami’s famous nightlife in comfort.

If all that sounds appealing, you can check out the conference’s site for more info or follow the Crypto World Journal on Twitter for more up-to-the-minute updates.